Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Help us bring an Eritrean family of four to Canada

We need your support - again!

This year, our group is sponsoring an Eritrean father who was forced to flee his country over a decade ago and has been living in limbo in a neighboring country ever since. More recently, his three teenage children fled Eritrea to avoid upcoming forced military service, which is often indefinite and is subjecting conscripts to inhuman and degrading treatment.

They are now living in precarious circumstances in Ethiopia, awaiting their travel arrangements to Canada and the opportunity to reunite with their father after 13 years. 

Eritrea is widely recognized as one of the most repressive authoritarian regimes in the world, including widespread forced labor and conscription, and staunch restrictions on freedom of expression and faith. The country is at, or near, the bottom of every socio-economic and humanitarian index.

We need $50,000 to financially support this family in their first year in Canada. 

With your help, we have an opportunity to reunite this father with his three kids and to completely change the trajectory of their lives to one of hope and opportunity.  

Tax-receipted donations can be made online via the Rosedale United Church’s donation page at Canada Helps (please click here)

Our group has successfully sponsored and settled four families and two men, a total of 21 people, from Syria, Eritrea and Myanmar since 2015. You can read about their incredible stories, and our group's journey, by scrolling through this blog. 

Our commitment to supporting refugees is ongoing.